Please bring a picture ID, insurance cards, form of payment, and a list of current food or drug allergies and a list of medications you are currently taking.
A nurse will make every effort to contact you via phone prior to your procedure to discuss your medical history and answer any questions that you may have. At this time, you will be given dietary restrictions and medication instructions, as well as time of arrival. Feel free to call us at 325-203-5106 if you have questions or concerns.
Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes that are easy to put on. Cotton undergarments are preferred. Please do not wear valuables such as watches or jewelry. A bag will be provided for your clothing and belongings.
The pre-admission nurse will discuss your medications at the time of your pre-admission phone call. Please contact your primary care physician regarding blood thinning medications.
Depending on the type and time of your procedure, dietary restrictions will apply. The pre-admission nurse will inform you of the restrictions for your procedure when you are contacted for your pre-admission call.
Depending upon the procedure several anesthesia choices may be available to you. Talk with your surgeon to explore your options, which could include local, spinal and general anesthesia.
Usually you will see your surgeon in the pre-op area prior to your procedure. Following your discussion, the surgical site most likely will be marked by your surgeon at this time.
The pre-admission nurse will confirm your arrival time during your phone call. You will need to arrive at least one hour prior to your scheduled procedure. You will be permitted to leave as soon as you have met the discharge criteria, usually 1-2 hours. You must have someone to drive you home and stay with you for the first day.
Generally, no; however, your surgeon will speak with your family after the procedure. Please ask your family or responsible party to remain in the waiting area throughout your surgery. They should be prepared to relay any information to you concerning your procedure.
One or two visitors will be able to be with you prior to surgery in the pre-op area. They will be asked to wait in the waiting area during your procedure. You will be able to see your family in the recovery room once you are able. One to two visitors will be allowed to visit with you at this time.
No, the operating room is a sterile environment. Allowing family members to be present could jeopardize the environment for your family member and others.