Sleep Disorder Questionnaire
Please indicate if you have any of the following symptoms and with what
frequency such symptoms occur using the numbered scale below:
- 0 - Rarely/None
- 1 - Some of the Time
- 2 - Frequently or Part of the Time
- 3 - Most of the Time
Sleep Apnea:
- I am sleepy during the day though I have slept through the night.
- I am tired during the day though I have slept through the night.
- I fall asleep when watching TV no matter how hard I try to stay awake.
- I have difficulty remaining alert in boring situations.
- I have fallen asleep during routine situations.
- I require a nap to remain awake during the evening.
- I fall asleep when I drive.
- I awaken during the night needing to urinate.
- I sweat at night while asleep without being hot.
- I often sleep better when reclining or not sleeping flat.
- I experience swelling in my ankles, feet or hands before bed.
- I awaken in the morning with headaches.
- I find it difficult to lose weight through dieting.
- I am hoarse in the morning when I awaken.
- I have been told that I snore loudly when sleeping on my side.
- I have been told that I snore loudly when sleeping on my back.
- I have been told that I “stop breathing” at night.
- I wake up “gasping” for breath.
Restless Leg Syndrome:
- I kick or twitch my legs at night prior to falling asleep.
- I cannot keep my legs still at night when I am relaxed.
- I have “achy or crawling” sensations in my legs at night.
For further evaluation for Restless Leg Syndrome, click here to download
our Restless Leg Syndrome questionnaire.
- I wake up at night and cannot go back to sleep no matter how hard I try.
- I lie awake for half-hour or more before I fall asleep.
- No matter how hard I try, I cannot shut my mind off
- When I am angry, surprised, or laugh, I feel like I am going to faint or
- I have had difficulty remaining awake during the day since I was a teenager.
- I experience vivid, life-like scenes when I am very tired.
- I awaken and cannot move.
- I have blacked out or fainted for no apparent reason.
- I have been told I grind or clench my teeth when sleeping.
- I experience jaw clicking, locking and pain.
- I experience muscle twitching or soreness in my face.
- I experience dizziness, tinnitus or ringing in my ears.
If you answer 1, 2 or 3 on any of the questions above, contact your physician
for possible Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Narcolepsy, Insomnia or bruxing/TMJ.