Club Courage, formerly Rainbows, is a six-week support group offered twice a year for children and teens grades kindergarten – 12th, who have experienced a loss through death, divorce, separation, incarceration, deployment or other painful transition. In small groups of peers their age, specially trained volunteers lead participants through a variety of exercises that provide grief education as well as opportunities to explore and express grief. The supportive environment helps to normalize feelings, promote self-esteem and provide an outlet for unexpressed emotions.
Club Courage meets for six consecutive weeks each spring and fall semester. An adult group for parents and guardians meets at the same time. This adult group provides support to the parents/guardians who are helping a grieving child, often while grieving themselves. Participation in the adult group is encourage, but not mandatory. There is no charge to participate in either group.
Our next session of Club Courage is scheduled for January 28 - March 4. Sessions meet each Tuesday from 6:30 - 8 p.m. at Hendrick Hospice Care Center (1651 Pine Street).
Registration is now open for our spring session of Club Courage. Please click here to register.
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer for Club Courage? For more information, click here.
For any questions, concerns or immediate children's grief-related needs, please contact Adrianna Golden-Smith at 325-670-6951 or