Hendrick Health recognizes and supports diabetes self-management education as an integral component of diabetes care. Hendrick’s Diabetes Center, located in Abilene, has been recognized by the American Diabetes Association for Quality Self-Management Education* and Support. This means that the education you receive meets the national standards for diabetes self-management.
Hendrick Diabetes Center offers:
Hendrick is dedicated to offering community education to improve the outcomes of Abilene and Big Country residents living with diabetes.
In addition, diabetes education is also offered at Hendrick Medical Plaza at 2371 Crockett Drive in Brownwood.
Contact Hendrick Diabetes Center at 325-670-2421 to learn more about our Diabetes Self-Management Education classes instructed by our own registered nurses, certified diabetes educators and a registered dietitian.
Diabetes is a self-managed disease and, through the proper education and resources, can be treated effectively to manage or eliminate complications. It is a chronic, progressive disease in which the body is unable to properly use and store glucose (a form of sugar the body needs for energy). Glucose backs up in the bloodstream, causing one’s blood glucose (blood sugar) to rise too high. This chronic disease is associated with long-term damage to various organs, including the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels.
Once diabetes is diagnosed, long-term complications associated with high blood glucose can be prevented or delayed by treatments such as meal planning, taking medications correctly and starting to exercise safely.
For more information or to schedule an appointment in Abilene or Brownwood, please call 325-670-2421.