Facility Shoppable Services and Machine-Readable Files
Hendrick Medical Center License #000500 shoppable services
Hendrick Medical Center License #000500 standard charges machine-readable file
Hendrick Medical Center South License #000500 shoppable services
Hendrick Medical Center South License #000500 standard charges machine-readable file
Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood License #100528 shoppable services
Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood License #100528 standard charges machine-readable file
This shoppable and all services price list is based on information we have gathered from our claims and insurance payment files. This is not a guarantee of what you will be charged. Your actual charges may differ from the estimated charges for many reasons, including the seriousness of your medical condition, actual time the procedure takes and the services and supplies that you receive. If you have insurance, your benefits will ultimately determine the amount you owe (including deductibles, co-pay, co-insurance, and out-of-pocket maximums). There is no guarantee that your insurance will provide coverage, so please reach out to them to understand and confirm your plan details. You will be held responsible for the actual amount you owe based on services rendered to you or your insured dependents (as applicable), and this site does not form a contract for the actual amount that you may be required to pay. You are responsible for costs that are not covered and for getting any pre-authorizations or referrals required by your health plan.
The shoppable or all services price list was developed to help you determine the potential cost for services only. If you proceed with services at Hendrick Medical Center, Hendrick Medical Center South, or Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood, you may be given a new estimate with more accurate cost and out-of-pocket information.
Hendrick Medical Center, Hendrick Medical Center South, and Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood shall not be liable for any difference between charges listed in the price lists and the final bill for services. You may be eligible for financial assistance under the Hendrick Medical Center, Hendrick Medical Center South, and Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood financial assistance policy. Financial hardship is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Lists of Charges
Hendrick Medical Center, Hendrick Medical Center South, and Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood provides a listing of the charges for each service we provide as required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The charges reflected in this document do not reflect patients’ true out-of-pocket costs. Actual cost will vary for each patient depending on scope of services, insurance coverage and other discounts that may be considered.
Facility Standard Charges
Facility Chargemaster
We encourage patients to contact us to obtain the most accurate cost estimate for their care based on each individual circumstance. Please contact Hendrick Health's Surgical Verification Team at 325-670-2960, or the Hendrick Health Outpatient Verification Team at 325-670-2837 for assistance.