Hendrick Hospice Care to host Club Courage for children experiencing loss
- Category: News, Palliative Care, Hendrick Clinic
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Hendrick Hospice Care is accepting registrations for Club Courage, a free six-week support group for children and teens in grades kindergarten – 12th who have experienced a loss through death, divorce, separation, incarceration, deployment or other painful transition.
Trained volunteers lead the children through a variety of exercises that provide grief education and opportunities to explore and express grief. The youngsters are divided into small groups of peers their age.
In addition, support is provided to the parents and guardians who are helping a grieving child, often while grieving themselves. Participation in the adult group is encouraged, but not required.
Club Courage will meet 6:30 – 8 p.m. on consecutive Tuesdays, from Jan. 28 to March 4, in the Davis Bereavement Center at Hendrick Hospice Care Center, 1651 Pine Street.
Registration can be completed online at hendrickhospice.org/clubcourage. The deadline is Jan. 17. For more information, call 325-670-6951 or email clubcourage@hendrickhealth.org.