The Caduceus Society is a philanthropic membership society for physicians who have made a major financial commitment to Hendrick. The Society exists to:
The Caduceus Society takes its name from the Caduceus symbol, which has represented man's power to wage war on disease and death since the Babylonian empire in 3500 BC. Today it is synonymous with the medical profession as the heralding trademark for both the American Medical Association and the World Medical Association.
The Caduceus symbol stands for the highest ethics of medical practice and care.
Current and past members of the Hendrick medical staff are eligible. A minimum pledge, direct gift or existing lifetime giving of $10,000 is required. Pledges are to be made and paid within a five or ten year period, and members may choose to pay their pledges annually, semi-annually or quarterly.
Members must be current with their pledge in order to be in good standing and receive Caduceus Society recognition.
Make a difference in the future of our community and the future of Hendrick Health. Your gift through the Caduceus Society benefits the caring, healing and teaching ministries of Hendrick.
Caduceus Society gifts may be designated in one of the following ways:
To learn how you can donate, see our Ways to Donate.
Print the Enrollment Form and mail to:
Hendrick Medical Center Foundation
Norm Archibald
1900 Pine St.
Abilene, Texas 79601