
Restraint Categories

Non-Behavioral (Non-Psychiatric): To immobilize or reduce ability to move arm(s) and/or leg(s) so medical equipment, such as an ET tube, IV, or other lines or devices can be maintained to support care.

Behavioral (Psychiatric) Restraints: Used to restrict aggressive, destructive, violent or suicidal behaviors that place the patient or others in imminent danger.

Click here to see Restraint Use Protocol Graphic

Restraint-Use Orders

Diversional Activities/Interventions should be attempted first to determine effectiveness: watching TV, listening to music, sitters, pain/anxiety medications and distractions. Should these alternatives become ineffective, an appropriate restraint may be considered.

Click here to see Restrain-Use Order Graphic 1

The LEAST RESTRICTIVE restraint will be used.

Every day, the physician is required to:

  1. Assess the patient.
  2. Determine the need to continue the restrain. An “R” will display indicating the order is up for review. If review is overdue, the “R” turns red.
  3. Right click on “Mark as reviewed” in the drop-down menu.
  4. Daily re-order is complete.

Click here to see Restraint-Use Graphic 2

Restraint Use

View the Restraint Use Policy

Purpose: Hendrick Medical Center will establish minimum standards for the care of patients requiring restraint use at Hendrick Medical Center.

Next: Verification and Completion →