Re: Services Agreement Related to Participation in Meetings and Programs to Support Hospital Activities
Dear Doctor:
This letter will serve to memorialize our agreement that, upon request by Hendrick Medical Center, Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood or their affiliates (collectively referred to herein as “Hendrick Health”), you have agreed to attend meetings, programs and conventions (collectively, “Business Events”) from time to time. These Business Events will address various matters relevant to health care operations, including but not limited to physician recruitment, hospital program development, clinical operations, strategic planning, and hospital-physician relations. In attending Business Events, you will be performing a necessary function as an advisor to Hendrick Health, and your attendance and, if applicable, that of your spouse, will not be for social purposes.
Should you be requested to attend a Business Event and you agree to do so, as compensation for such services, you will receive the value of any reasonable expenses (e.g., meals, program fees, air fare, hotel) that are incurred by Hendrick Health related to your attendance at such Business Event. You agree to complete any time record or other documentation requested by Hendrick Health to document such attendance. Should Hendrick Health determine that your spouse’s attendance at the Business Event has a business purpose (e.g., a physician recruitment activity when the recruit’s spouse is also in attendance), and Hendrick Health requests that your spouse attend the Business Event, then the value of your spouse’s expenses related to the Business Event will also be considered compensation to you. Any compensation provided to you under this letter agreement will be treated in accordance with IRS requirements. Please provide receipts for expenses related to these events within 30 days of the occurrence to the Hendrick Medical Center or Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood Administration Office, as applicable.
This letter agreement will be in effect from the date executed by you, as set forth below, until it is terminated for any reason by either you or Hendrick Medical Center or Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood, as applicable, upon thirty days advance written notice. In the event this agreement is terminated for any reason at any time during the initial 12-month period from the effective date hereof or during any 12-month period following such effective date, we will not enter into another agreement for the same or similar services as covered under this agreement during the remainder of such initial or additional 12-month period.
Once you have had the opportunity to review and approve this letter agreement, please (i) check the “Services Agreement re: Participation in Meetings and Programs” box on the “Verification and Completion” page of Hendrick’s electronic Physician Orientation and (ii) submit your electronic signature. In the interim, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rob Wiley, M.D., FAAP
Chief Medical Officer
Hendrick Health