Patient Safety maintains a reporting mechanism for Medical Staff members that is designed to collect information related to Medical Staff and patient care issues. The confidential phone number is 325-670-6677.
Patient Safety also maintains a reporting mechanism for Medical Staff members this designed to collect information related to risk and patient safety. The hotline number is 325-670-7732.
Rosendo Contreras-, RN, MSN, Patient Safety Officer,
Physician Hotline,
Risk/Patient Safety Hotline,
Adverse events are entered into the Event Management System in the Patient Safety office. This is where such things as patient falls and medication errors, as well as physician issues, are tracked.
View full Texas Preventable Adverse Events by Category & Reporting Policy.
Event Reporting Policy (1.1004)
An event report will be completed on any Sentinel Event, Adverse Event
or Medication Event, which involves patients, visitors, volunteers, students,
employees, or medical and ancillary staff members. It is the responsibility
of individuals who are employed by or affiliated with Hendrick Health
System and its affiliates ("Hendrick") to report events. It
is recognized that patients may have undesired outcomes even when receiving
routine, expected and appropriate care. Such outcomes are not within the
reporting requirements of this Policy.
To identify those events where actions may or could be taken to improve outcomes, modify policies and/or procedures; or provide education that will foster improved safety for patients, visitors, volunteers, students, employees, medical and ancillary staff members; and to facilitate timely identification and resolution of risks in an effort to reduce or prevent the potential for injury or loss.
View the full Event Reporting policy.
Physicians are responsible for providing information and obtaining consent. Consent forms are available through the EMR.
Contact: Carol Kramer, 325-670-2487
Informed Consent, 4.7361
Hendrick Medical Center and its affiliates ("Hendrick") recognizes
that it is the responsibility of the physician to obtain informed consent
of a patient or the person having legal authority to give consent for
the patient (surrogate decision-maker) and to document that consent prior
to treatment according to policies of Hendrick and the laws of the State of Texas.
View the full Informed Consent policy.
Restraint Use, 3.1083
Hendrick Medical Center will establish minimum standards for the care of
patients requiring restraint use at Hendrick Medical Center.