Information on our academic policies, academic calendar, clinical obligations, grading system, graduation requirements and the criteria for transfer of credit are available in the student handbook.
Courses Include
All students will be offered the opportunity to participate in mammography clinical rotations. The program will make every effort to place a male student in a mammography clinical rotation if requested; however, the program is not in a position to override clinical setting policies that restrict clinical experiences in mammography to female students. Male students are advised that placement in a mammography rotation is not guaranteed and is subject to the availability of a clinical setting that allows males to participate in mammographic imaging procedures. The program will not deny female student the opportunity to participate in mammography rotations if clinical settings are not available to provide the same opportunity to male students.
This programs’ policy regarding student clinical rotations in mammography is based on the sound rationale presented in a positions statement on student mammography clinical rotations adopted by the Board of Directors of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) at its April 2016 meeting. The JRCERT position statement is included in the program clinical handbook and is also available on the JRCERT Web site, www.jrcert.org, Programs & Faculty, Program Resources.
This policy may be applied to any imaging procedures performed by students who are of the opposite gender of the patient.